Just treats

Perhaps it’s a case of nostalgia or the firm belief that “things were better” when you were a kid, but nothing seems to change the fact that sweets devoured from a rumpled paper bag or dirty pillowcase after a long night of trick-or-treating is the best tasting candy ever. As […]

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Eat It! I Dare You

“A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.” – Hannibal Lecter, Silence of the Lambs When Hanibal Lecter peers through the thick, glass barrier and utters those words, those unspeakable horrors, we all felt a chill down our […]

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No bobbing required

Hands clenching the sides of the barrel, your head plunges into the icy water and while holding your breath, you try to get a grip on the apple bobbing before your lips. Your teeth slide across the slick surface denying purchase while water makes it’s way up your nose and […]

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The Plate Lunch

If the title didn’t make it obvious, the whole purpose of this monthly column is finding scrumptious dishes of all shapes, sizes and flavors that won’t break the bank, ultimately less than $15. We all love it, but dining out is indeed a luxury, an unneeded expense, especially amidst this […]

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Run for the border!

No! Not Taco Bell! Believe it or not, there are some fabulous Mexican eats to be had in the Crescent City without having to resort to our favorite fast food fall-backs. Granted, many are a far cry from “authentic” Mexican food, but honestly…who doesn’t love Tex-Mex? Is it wrong to […]

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Missing it

As all of the students trickle out of town, heading back to their parent’s homes for the summer in some distant city, I often ponder about what they might miss. Naturally, they will probably pine over the lost camaraderie of being among their college buddies, crazy New Orleans parties, festivals […]

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The Egg Effect

“But what is that of every hueyou carry in your basket?Tis eggs of gold and eggs of blue;I wonder that you ask it.” ~Rowena Bennett We are, all of us, very familiar with the archetypal, historical and cultural significance of the egg, ideas and beliefs that stretch back long before […]

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Makin’ Groceries

With monster, mega-grocery stores becoming the norm, many people miss out on the intimate, specialized care one can only receive at a corner, family-owned market. Thankfully, in the French Quarter no such super-supermarkets like Walmart can exist because the whole area a preserved historical landmark and, frankly, I believe the […]

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