Run for the border!

No! Not Taco Bell! Believe it or not, there are some fabulous Mexican eats to be had in the Crescent City without having to resort to our favorite fast food fall-backs. Granted, many are a far cry from “authentic” Mexican food, but honestly…who doesn’t love Tex-Mex? Is it wrong to […]

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Manning’s sans sports

Admitting you’re not a sports fan in New Orleans is akin to blasphemy, but there’s really nothing I can do about it. Maybe it was the years growing up with my father who, firmly ensconced on the couch, would command silence when the game was on or the grating voices […]

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Missing it

As all of the students trickle out of town, heading back to their parent’s homes for the summer in some distant city, I often ponder about what they might miss. Naturally, they will probably pine over the lost camaraderie of being among their college buddies, crazy New Orleans parties, festivals […]

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