Ohhh Ida!

As much fun as it would be to make a joke about frozen potatoes, I just don’t feel like laughing right now. My emotions are a jumble, what with Ida hurling at us (possible Cat 4 when it makes landfall), and the Delta variant making travel oh-so unappealing. I don’t […]

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Keto Summer Squash Casserole

Recently, I bought one of those big bags of summer squash and zucchini at Costco, and after making ratatouille (yet again!) I still had a bunch of squash left over. While I always enjoy simply sautéing chopped onion and squash in butter, I thought I would try something a little […]

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Just Grab a Spoon

Most everyone has childhood memories of going to the ice cream parlor on a bright summer Saturday, pressing your nose to the glass, waffling about which flavor you’ll choose, though you know you’ll eventually settle on a tried and true favorite. It’s hard to forget that singular moment when the […]

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Tuning out

I want to be her again. Blissfully unaware, biding my time, plotting my escape to a place that finally understood and accepted me, exactly as I was. This moment was only one year before I made the move. This moment was three years before the levees broke. My heart is […]

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Craving CIBO

Although during hot, summer days like today I tend to hide in the air-conditioned comfort of my apartment, I can’t help but hanker for something to eat that unfortunately, does not reside in my fridge. Since well past the lunch hour, I’ve been craving a good deli sandwich and the […]

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