Sad at SoBou

When I was just a kid, I remember looking forward to getting this one particularly cool toy for Christmas. It was a doll house for these tiny, Strawberry Shortcake dolls in the shape of an Oreo Cookie. My dolls could sleep in the bedroom, hang out in the kitchen, plus […]

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Smilin’ at Satsuma

Last week, my friend Dani and I were about to embark upon a day filled with running some necessary-but-evil errands, but I thought it would be good to start out on a high note with breakfast at Satsuma Cafe. Ever since the Bywater eatery opened its second location on Maple […]

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Just treats

Perhaps it’s a case of nostalgia or the firm belief that “things were better” when you were a kid, but nothing seems to change the fact that sweets devoured from a rumpled paper bag or dirty pillowcase after a long night of trick-or-treating is the best tasting candy ever. As […]

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Ignatius’ house

“I am at the moment writing a lengthy indictment against our century. When my brain begins to reel from my literary labors, I make an occasional cheese dip.”                                               […]

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House of the week: Priorities

As you all must know, last week we experienced another hurricane. Isaac came through and with high winds, managed to do some serious damage to homes and businesses, caused flooding in a few parishes and generally wreaked havoc all over Florida and Louisiana. Comparatively, we got off easy. The only […]

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