“Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams?” -Alfred Lord Tennyson If I could truly live inside my dream, it would likely look like this gorgeous, double gallery home on 8th Street in the Garden District. Can you see me flitting around, traipsing over […]
House of the week: Side Hall on Aline Street
Unless I manage to win the jackpot from Publishers Clearing House (which I enter religiously online), I don’t see poor little me ever affording a my own home. Until then, I will continue to dream, hope and work real hard…who knows what can happen? Maybe one of these days I’ll […]
House of the week: Victorian on St. Thomas Street
Throughout all this dreaming and admiration of big, four bedroom (or more) houses with guest cottages and swimming pools, it all comes down to one simple thing; I want to own my own home. It doesn’t have to be a grand mansion with exquisite architectural details, with stain glass windows […]
House of the week: Creole cottage on Marais Street
“If I had a million dollarsIf I had a million dollarsWell, I’d buy you a houseI would buy you a house” -Barenaked Ladies When I do things like prepare my taxes or pay yet another doctor bill, I tend to avoid torturing myself by “window” shopping for things I […]
House of the week: Sidehall on Gallier Street
Sometimes the strangest, most insignificant things will sell me on a house. One small architectural or design detail will get stuck in my head and wham, I’m sold. Who cares if the plumbing is shot! Did you see that stained glass window of a duck? Adorable! Thankfully, my significant other […]
House of the week: Castle on St. Charles Avenue
When I was in high school, I used to joke with my friends that one day I would own a castle and they could all live there, performing different duties in exchange for room and board. Johnny was the chauffeur, Eva organized the parties, Charlene took care of the horses…you […]
House of the week: The Centanni House
While searching through the realty listings, my eyes scanning photos for the telltale architectural features I so adore like floor-length windows, double galleries and heart pine, hardwood floors, I came across a very unusual house. As it’s not anywhere near the typical style I long for, I almost skipped right […]
House of the week: Victorian Centerhall on Chestnut Street
My search should end right here…and if I was a beautiful, busty billionaire (two out of three ain’t bad? Ha!), it most definitely would. This is a dream house I would kill to die in. Located on the corner of Chestnut and Foucher, this two-story, Victorian Center hall built in […]
House of the week: Raised Centerhall on Washington
As it gets closer and closer to Mardi Gras, my search for the perfect carnival house intensifies, but I think I just found it. Located on Washington Avenue, less than half a block from St. Charles, is this gorgeous Raised Centerhall Victorian “cottage” that would hold my whole family and […]
House of the week: Creole cottage on Kerlerec Street
As it often goes, names can get stuck in one’s memory and never quite leave. Many years ago when cruising around New Orleans, searching about for houses on sale, my friend Shalom and I happened upon an affordable listing on Kerlerec Street. We giggled while trying to form this unique […]
House of the week: Shotgun on France Street
Even though the area is a tad sketchy and it’s located WAY out in Bywater, almost to the canal, I can’t help oohing and ahhing over this adorable little shotgun. It has original pine wood floors, high ceilings, exposed brick fireplace and a cute backyard perfect for barbecuing and boils. […]
Ignatius’ house
“I am at the moment writing a lengthy indictment against our century. When my brain begins to reel from my literary labors, I make an occasional cheese dip.” […]