Crossing the 17th Street Canal

Destination: Metairie With seemingly endless rows of well-manicured lawns, cul-de-sacs brimming with playing kids, tidy homes and neat gardens … Metairie, Louisiana is a lot like suburbs all over the country. Strip malls hug the edges of orderly communities and schools are wrapped securely within residential zones. Small neighborhoods pour […]

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Curds, ya heard?

Originating in Quebec, poutine was once considered something of a joke like ambrosia salad, deep fried butter or loose meat sandwiches. But over the past decade or so, poutine has become so popular that even discerning Canadians are finally admitting their love for this formerly debased dish. In case you’ve […]

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Bowl in one!

With workdays getting longer and lunch hours getting shorter (especially a lunch “hour” that only lasts 30 minutes!), it’s more important than ever to ensure we are getting all the nutrients we need to keep moving along. While shakes and smoothies may have all of the nutrition we need, they […]

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Better fish to fry

I’ve lived my entire life surrounded by water. From the Pacific Ocean and the San Francisco Bay to the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico, great bodies of water have always been close to me, intermixed into everyday life. Oh the nights I spent dancing around bonfires on the […]

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Sweet as can bee

Rich and golden, often herbal, sometimes fruity and always sweet, honey is probably the single most fabulous food humans eat. Why so fabulous? Well, for starters, the earliest depiction of honey harvesting is an 8000 year-old cave painting in Spain showing “hunters” gathering honey from wild bee colonies, but this […]

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The (Pine)Apple of My Eye

By far one of the most attractive aspects of living in New Orleans (and other regions of the Deep South) is the endearing atmosphere of genuine hospitality. Locals go out of their way to make newcomers feel welcome, whether it’s the courteous cries of “Good morning!” and “Where y’at?” or […]

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Simply shrimp

Everyone is crazy over crawfish right now, to say otherwise in the midst of spring is practically sacrilege, but that is no reason to overlook one of the region’s most prized catches … fresh Gulf shrimp. Whether you’re slurping down some gumbo made with flavorful brown shrimp, nibbling sweet white […]

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A Good Egg

Like that guy in your building who always tidies the empty bins on garbage day or the receptionist at your dentist’s office who never forgets how much you love dogs, eggs are wee packages of wonderful that we can always depend on. How many times have you been scrambling for […]

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