Crane Builders, LLC: The Next Generation

Ownership of the Waveland-based contractor has transferred from father to daughter without compromising quality or commitment, while keeping a sharp eye on the future. A lot has changed at Crane Builders over the past several years. Jackye, founder Jimmy Crane’s daughter, has officially purchased the company from her father and […]

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Frappe Happy

Even for many aficionados, a piping hot cup of coffee on a sweltering summer day in New Orleans is about as appealing as running a 10k in a goose down parka. Though many folks can be found sheltering inside well air-conditioned spaces where a steaming cuppa Joe can be had […]

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Killer Queso

Like many of the world’s most marvelous inventions, cheese was likely an accidental discovery. Some lucky goat herder thousands of years ago was attempting to prolong the life of milk and in the process, made it curd. Oh what a happy day that must have been! Unbeknownst to the fortunate […]

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Lemon Icebox Cake

For Christmas, I always make a ton of fudge and toffee to give out as gifts to friends, family and neighbors. Unfortunately, I also always procrastinate when it comes to getting tins in which to package said fudge and toffee. This past Christmas, I delayed way too long and no […]

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Fearless Fries

Smother them in cheese and chili, or drown them in ketchup and mayo, fries are just a blank canvas for a limitless palette of flavors, right? But it doesn’t have to be that way. Fresh or frozen, plain French fries, with maybe a few shakes of salt, tell their own […]

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NOWFE Elevenses

All apologies for my two month absence! My beloved readers (all three of you?) deserve an explanation, but I’ve got nothing. Well, actually, I have been a little down and out. I severely sprained my ankle on the way to dim sum, knocking me out for three weeks. Oh! and […]

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Lettuce Eat!

Like having a tonic and lime at a bar, ordering a salad at a restaurant has long been associated with abstention and self-denial. In the 80s, salad was practically synonymous with dieting. A pile of iceberg (a nutritional nada, by the way) dotted with a few cherry tomatoes, sliced cucumber […]

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