Beard Papa’s Puffs

Definitely stepped outside the low-carb zone this Saturday when I visited the brand new cream puff shop Beard Papa’s. It was their first day in town and even though the weather was hotter than hot, there was still quite a line when we walked in the door. I think they […]

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Keto Summer Squash Casserole

Recently, I bought one of those big bags of summer squash and zucchini at Costco, and after making ratatouille (yet again!) I still had a bunch of squash left over. While I always enjoy simply sautéing chopped onion and squash in butter, I thought I would try something a little […]

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Keto Lemon Chia Pudding

It could be the oppressive heat or because lemons are so bright and fresh tasting or because this recipe is so damned easy (considering the result), but I think I have found my new favorite chia pudding. I’ve never been a huge fan of lemon desserts, but perhaps my palate […]

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