Depression has set in and I can’t avoid it. Unless I suddenly write a bestselling novel, win the lotto or have a rich relative die and leave me a fat inheritance, there is no way in hell I’ll ever be able to afford a house in New Orleans. Regardless of […]
House of the week: Condo on Napoleon Avenue
My boyfriend John won’t even entertain the idea of buying a condo. When I find a cute half double or a cool apartment in an old home spilling over with character and history, John will completely write it off if there’s a mere mention of the “c” word. But, I […]
25 Scrumptious Things to Eat In New Orleans That Aren’t Po-Boys
I’m not on a mission to offend fellow writers or popular publications, but I have a problem with “listicles.” Instead of well-crafted, thought-provoking articles, it seems theses days, most of what people read are just lists. No one cares how long it takes to construct the perfect sentence or pull […]
Meanwhile we munch!
One of the biggest political issues sweeping the nation these days is the legalization or decriminalization of marijuana. It began in 1996 when California voters passed Proposition 215, which allowed for the medical use of marijuana. Today, 23 states, the District of Columbia and Guam all have enacted legislation that […]
Alfresco lunch at Pho Cam Ly
A few months back, my buddy Anne and I enjoyed lunch at Pho Cam Ly on Magazine Street. Over the years, I’ve eaten a lot of pho at a lot of different Vietnamese restaurants but there are always a few that can’t help but stand out. Pho Cam Ly is […]
Without ’em, we’re gone pecan!
Properly pronounced “puh-kahn,” this spectacularly delectable nut has long been a staple of Southern cuisine. Just one of these enduring trees from the hickory family can produce “fruit” for over 300 years and while Louisiana may not produce the most pecans in the country (though we’re in the top three), […]
House of the week: Shotgun on North Rampart St.
Have you ever experienced love at first sight? I have, and I can’t stop thinking about it. Yes, I am head-over-heels in love with an object. More specifically, I am in love with a house. This IS my house. This is what I picture when I dream about the perfect […]
Captivating Coquette
If you didn’t already know, Coquette is easily one of the best restaurants in New Orleans … and in a city where incredible restaurants are a dime a dozen, that’s saying a whole hell of a lot. Like Patois and Boucherie, I try to visit Coquette as often as I […]
House of the week: Double on Jeanette Street
In case you didn’t notice from other posts, I really love my neighborhood. Although my current digs leave something to be desired (washer & dryer, lack of mold, light etc.), the ‘hood in which it resides makes it worthwhile. So, in that vein, I’ve been searching the Riverbend for a […]
New experience at Namese
Since it sometimes feels as if I’ve tasted virtually everything, it’s always a wonderful surprise when I get the opportunity to sample something new. That’s exactly what happened when Lorin and I enjoyed a lunch at Namese a few months back. Located on the corner of Tulane and South Carrollton […]
What the devil? Lunch at The Sammich
Several months ago, John and I decided to quit procrastinating and have lunch at The Sammich, one of the newest restaurants to open in the Riverbend. Previously, The Sammich had been a sort of permanent pop-up inside Chickie Wah Wah, a popular local music venue on Canal Street, and we […]
A leaf of a (slightly) different color
In New Orleans, the month of March is full of special events and holidays. After weeks filled with carnival parades, the city is still raring to go with things like Super Sunday, the Tennessee Williams Literary Festival, Hogs for the Cause, the Buku Music + Art Project, St. Joseph’s Day […]