Although it might sound crass, folks down here in New Orleans really love to stuff delicious things with other delicious things. Case in point: the Turducken. A turkey is stuffed with a duck that’s stuffed with a chicken that’s then stuffed with…well…stuffing. We stuff crab, shrimp, mirliton, bell peppers, pork […]
Munching lunch at the Milk Bar
Dani, John and I were starving by the time we walked into The Milk Bar’s brand new, second location on Carrollton Avenue, taking over the spot that used to be filled by the Saltwater Grill. We had all been running errands and simply had to eat something before we continued on […]
House of the week: The Centanni House
While searching through the realty listings, my eyes scanning photos for the telltale architectural features I so adore like floor-length windows, double galleries and heart pine, hardwood floors, I came across a very unusual house. As it’s not anywhere near the typical style I long for, I almost skipped right […]
Pleasure without porn: Killer Poboys
Quite often, I find myself genuinely frustrated that I cannot offer choice food porn from wonderful restaurants due to bad lighting, a mediocre camera or simply a lack of photographic skill. This is one of those times. A little while back, John and I were in the French Quarter and […]
House of the week: Victorian Centerhall on Chestnut Street
My search should end right here…and if I was a beautiful, busty billionaire (two out of three ain’t bad? Ha!), it most definitely would. This is a dream house I would kill to die in. Located on the corner of Chestnut and Foucher, this two-story, Victorian Center hall built in […]
Impending Apocalypse Begs the Question: What’s for Dinner?
It’s almost here, that day we’ve all been warned about, Friday, December 21st, 2012. In the 1970’s, New Age scholars revealed to the general population what they believed was a Mayan prediction of the apocalypse. That prolific day in December of this year marks the conclusion of what is called […]
Better to have loved lost bread…by Kim Ranjbar Call it pain perdu or French toast, its still delicious to me. Down here in New Orleans, we use both names for that crispy, moist, eggy, sweet concoction and we have more ways of preparing it than there are ways to sing […]
What is it about the wintery, holiday season that makes folks want to eat mint? Isn’t it cold enough already? It’s like we can’t get enough of shivering on the outside, we have to freeze on the inside, too. Whether it be peppermint candy canes, mint hot chocolate or even […]
House of the week: Raised Centerhall on Washington
As it gets closer and closer to Mardi Gras, my search for the perfect carnival house intensifies, but I think I just found it. Located on Washington Avenue, less than half a block from St. Charles, is this gorgeous Raised Centerhall Victorian “cottage” that would hold my whole family and […]
Women Behind the Stick: Abigail Gullo, Ferrel Dugas & Lu Brow
A trio of exceptional female bartenders from the Commander’s Family of Restaurants share their passion for spirits and the city where cocktails were born. Abigail Gullo at SoBou “We have good Sazerac juju,” Abigail Gullo, Bar Chef of SoBou explained, “this building we’re sitting in was once an ice house, […]
Sad at SoBou
When I was just a kid, I remember looking forward to getting this one particularly cool toy for Christmas. It was a doll house for these tiny, Strawberry Shortcake dolls in the shape of an Oreo Cookie. My dolls could sleep in the bedroom, hang out in the kitchen, plus […]
House of the week: Creole cottage on Kerlerec Street
As it often goes, names can get stuck in one’s memory and never quite leave. Many years ago when cruising around New Orleans, searching about for houses on sale, my friend Shalom and I happened upon an affordable listing on Kerlerec Street. We giggled while trying to form this unique […]