Birthday wishes…

Last week, John’s 27th birthday dawned on Thursday, April 14th. I had hesitantly asked him where he would like to dine for our cheat, my treat of course, preparing myself for the words “Taco Bell” to erupt from his lips, but he surprised me. A large, questioning smile spread across his […]

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A feasting fest: French Quarter Festival 2011

So, it was a no-brainer decision for my cheat this week, right? I mean, duh, where the hell else would I be besides French Quarter Festival? Easily one of my favorite festivals of the season, this celebration…this daytime, suntime, springtime elation is all about the Vieux Carre. Everything you can […]

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My very first Besh: Domenica

Besh, Besh, Besh, Besh, Besh … and more Besh. Everyone wants to talk about John Besh. His restaurants are all over town and so is his face. You see his boyish, mischievous grin plastered on every available advertising venue (though I haven’t seen him at a bus stop yet) and […]

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Missing out

This past week I have felt terrible. Due to the gorgeous springtime weather, my allergies kicked into high gear and had me wheezing like…well…a person with asthma triggered by severe allergies. The only way to avoid an expensive trip to the emergency room that my finances couldn’t possibly withstand, I […]

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Assigning blame

I realize I haven’t posted in quite a few days. I suppose I could blame it on all sorts of things; work, errands, an irritating, yet lingering bout of depression and self-hate, angst, a sooner-than-expected beginning of allergy season, money troubles, car problems, the rain… Can I just blame it on […]

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