Pho at Boucherie?

We’re barely into 2012 and I am already lagging on posts, but I promise I won’t make it a habit! I don’t usually make resolutions as it only provides me the opportunity to break them, but I intend on making a sincere effort to post more this year. That being […]

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Do you remember…

…this house? It was the mystery on my street with Katrina-born messages scrawled on the wobbly, leaning fence and so overgrown with flora you could barely see the house. Last week as John and I set out on foot to our next dining destination, I stopped in my tracks and […]

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Everything but the baby

Since early January, King Cakes have been flooding the office break room, daring you to take the chance and try another piece from yet another local bakery that has mastered the brightly frosted, cinnamon brioche we all know and love. I’m even willing to bet that you have already found […]

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A Coquette-ish Christmas

So it wasn’t actually Christmas, it was the eve before Christmas Eve…er…actually…it was the afternoon before Christmas Eve. It was the 23rd of December, okay? Anyhow, John and I decided we were way past due for a visit to the fairly-new restaurant, Coquette, on the corner of Washington and Magazine. […]

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Hissy fit at Crabby Jacks

Though I don’t regret the evening of debauchery at the Hookah Bar, I did miss out on the Po-Boy Fest which left me with a hankering…and not for a hunk ‘o’ cheese. Well, maybe a couple of slices of Swiss on a fried oyster and bacon? Yeah, I wanted a […]

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