John and I actually went out to eat at two different restaurants this past weekend, but since the first experience was a real disappointment, I thought it would be nice to write about a good experience instead. After all, the bad ones are such downers…aren’t they? So, in an effort […]
Craving Cowbell
Call it an urge, itch, ache or yen, but I had a serious craving for Cowbell. As any woman can tell you, it’s best not to ignore these inner lusts too often or chaos will likely ensue and cause unnecessary events like incurable bouts of crying, flying breakables or the […]
Café Degas left an impression
In case you weren’t aware, there is a gorgeous, yet quaint B&B on Esplanade Avenue called the Degas House. Apparently, back in 1872, the famous Impressionist painter Edgar Degas spent almost half a year in this very house visiting his American side of the family. Just a few blocks away […]
Melting for Grilled Cheese
Other than being forced to watch All My Children and General Hospital when my mom came home for lunch, the thing I remember most about being home sick from school was grilled cheese sandwiches. My mom would slap a couple of American cheese slices between two pieces of Wonder Bread […]
Choosing Chinese
Though it’s a running gag that the only eateries open during the holidays are Chinese restaurants, the reality is not so far from the truth. Naturally, in New Orleans you can indulge in lavish Thanksgiving dinners at some of the finest restaurants in town, but who really has that kind […]
An afternoon tryst at Lüke
I met someone and I think I’m in love. He’s sweet, accommodating, relaxed yet stylish and extremely tasty as I was fortunate enough to discover last Friday afternoon. My friend Anne was there, too and we both enjoyed what he had to offer . . . I’m pretty sure anyone […]
Dante’s Kitchen: Again and again and again!
When I started writing this blog, I promised myself I would pick a new restaurant to feature every week, knowing that with over 800 eateries in the Greater New Orleans Area it would take me a very long time to run out of food blogging fodder. Unfortunately, I did not […]
House of the week: Victorian on Canal Street
When you are forced into the position of buying something “as is,” it always seems to connote something negative. Like “the plumbing is shot, but the owner is selling the house ‘as is’” or “they’re selling the car ‘as is’ despite the leaky radiator.” I’d like to put a positive […]
International adventures at the Hush Supper Club
I missed out on Marisol, was ill when he made Persian food at Bacchanal and just never seemed to make it down to Mimi’s of River Ridge, but I was determined to finally get a taste of Chef Pete Vazquez’s culinary magic when I heard about his new pop-up in […]
Buns of bliss at Company Burger
No, this post has nothing to do with working out or how to go about making your backside look more appealing. Actually, it is quite the opposite. It’s about how last week I took my butt to The Company Burger on Freret Street, placed it next to John’s butt and […]
Sundae on Thursday
After John and I stuffed ourselves silly with Chinese food at Jung’s Golden Dragon last week, I took his hand and literally dragged him about two-doors down the block to enjoy a delicious, sweet dainty from Sucré. Okay, it wasn’t a dainty, it was a sundae! Specifically, it was a […]
Pot sticker haven at Jung’s Golden Dragon
Growing up in the Bay Area did not make me an expert on Chinese food, but I am very familiar with different aspects of the cuisine. As a matter of fact, my Mom’s best friend and neighbor was from Hong Kong, so steamed pork buns and red envelopes were as […]