The Blessed Biscuit

There’s just something wonderful, even almost divine, about waking up on a Sunday morning to the smell of freshly baked biscuits. I’ll swear on a stack of bibles that my Aunt Edie made the best homemade buttermilk biscuits on the planet. When she came to visit us from South Carolina, […]

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Melting for Meltdown

You may have noticed the conspicuous lack of dessert in my last post. Well, that was on purpose. I thought the sweet, cool treat we had deserved a post all their own. After lunch, I deliberately refused to order dessert because there was one spot in the French Quarter that I’ve […]

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Summertime Salads

It seems all one can do in the hottest month of the year is think cool. Dressing in light-colored linens, pulling your hair up off your neck, making sure all your beverages are well-iced and keeping the oven in the “off” position are all essential means for survival this month […]

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