The last thing I should be thinking about is cake. Well, anything other than king cake, that is. But no matter how hard I try to stop thinking about it, chocotorta has been on my mind. It’s been two years since I first saw it (Emmy made one during the […]
When I Stroke the [James] Beards Thusly
Perhaps I am getting more curmudgeonly in my advanced years, but awards and award shows often elicit a big ol’ yawn. Like any popularity contest, it always comes down to who you know . . . and who knows you. That’s not to say the hard-working folks nominated for these […]
It’s easy to blurt out a list of my favorite king cakes. They’re the ones that inevitably pop into my mind every year before twelfth night, and the ones I have to promptly dismiss in the name of what’s new and cool and hip (do people still use those words?). […]
Your Table is (Always) Ready: Moveable Feast
The second most important thing the pandemic taught us is if food is prepared, managed and packaged well, take-out can be pretty damn awesome (the first is how to properly wear a mask, but I’m not going to get on that particular soapbox). When push came to shove, restaurants and […]
2023 NOLA Restaurant Bucket List
I looked at last year’s New Year’s post and was encouraged to do another restaurant to-do list. Why, you ask (are you asking)? Well, I didn’t complete last year’s list, not even by half, and I’m hoping a repeat will keep me honest and help me keep in mind those […]
Falafel Fan
Crispy on the outside, soft and savory on the inside – served with a side of tahini or wrapped in pita to be devoured with bright, fresh veggies – falafel is one of those rare foods that are equally satisfying, healthful and indulgent all at the same time. It’s a […]
A Matter of Time: Pho Kim Loan
There is so much great pho over here on the Westbank, we’re practically swimming in it, but pity the poor slob who needs a bowl after 6pm . . . even on the weekends! Do they have a thing against late-ish night diners? Do we smell funny? My theory is […]
Breaking Bread: John Gendusa Bakery
Loafing around with French bread from John Gendusa’s, a century-old New Orleans bakery in Gentilly. Lovers of local culinary history all know the oft-told origin story of New Orleans’ famed po-boy. As the legend goes, restaurateurs Benny and Clovis Martin (a.k.a. the “Martin Bros.”) created the inexpensive meal to feed […]
NOLA’s Biggest Slice is Coming to the Westbank
This Thursday, December 22nd, wankers will be able to drive-thru for the GNO’s biggest slice at Fat Boy’s Pizza Express located at 1535 Lapalco Boulevard! Because everyone needs a 30-inch pizza, the folks behind Fat Boy’s decided to capitulate to our demands and bring that big boy across the river. […]
Mooning Over My (Smithfield) Hams
Hopefully Denny’s won’t make me change my title! Because of my job, I get press releases from a lot of different businesses, both local and national. Since money has been tight and I’ve become a food writer competing with “influencers” (and no one seems to care either way), I’ve broken […]
Around the World T-Day Dinner at Mister Mao
It’s become something of a tradition for John and I to dine out for our Thanksgiving dinner, and let me tell you, we’ve had some truly memorable meals. Just off the top of my head I fondly recall watching my friend’s daughter (she was almost 1!) enjoy her first foie […]
Take Me Out for Chinese Food
Though it’s long been seen in American culture as take-out or delivery food, Chinese cuisine has always been a special night out for me. Growing up in the San Francisco Bay Area allowed me the distinct privilege of enjoying some of the finest Chinese cuisine available in the U.S. decades […]