Anne, John and I visited MoPho a while ago, right in the first week of its opening and yes… it’s taken me this long to write about it. Am I lazy? Am I a slacker? Perhaps, but I only seem to sacrifice my own blog when I’m feeling in the […]
House of the week: Victorian on Dumaine Street
As I am currently existing in some kind of first-time home-buyer’s limbo (a.k.a. financial consultations, credit checks, home-buying courses, etc.), I’ve been reluctant to play out my usual “house of the week” game. Why? Because I keep finding homes in my price range that are almost exactly what I want, […]
Waking up at HiVolt
Some days, like today, I must rise at an hour where one would normally find me snoozing away merrily in bed. On these unfortunate days, I need a healthy overdose of caffeine. Not too long ago, my good friend Anne and I visited a great place for a coffee infusion, […]
House of the week: Cottage on Milan Street
One of the first things you come to realize when house hunting is that everyone’s got their own sense of style. Interior design, I believe, either wholly reflects the person or people living in that space, or it reflects absolutely nothing at all … like a furniture showroom at Pier […]
2014 Jazz Fest poster by Terrance Osborne
It might not seem like it, but I’m a serious art fan. Aside from the books on my shelves, the only inanimate objects I care about are my collection. Though I love my family and friends oh-so-very-much, I would be hard-pressed if in an emergency, I had to choose between […]
Mais Arepas: Awesome regardless how you say it…
In the midst of heaping praise upon my latest obsession, a good friend of mine teased me (mercilessly) on my non-existent Spanish accent. “Did you just verbally mangle Maurepas or are you talking about Mais Arepas? (mays AH rape AH … don’t forget the tongue roll on the “R”)” I […]
A novel lunch at the Superfood Bar
You must know by now that I do not follow a healthful diet. Sure, I try to buy organic vegetables and I rarely eat boxed or canned goods, aside from tuna. John will scarf frozen meals for lunch that I swear smell like hot cat food, while I shake my […]
House of the week: Victorian double on Green Street
I’m not good with money. I see something I want and I buy it, regardless of whether or not it’s the best deal, it’s right for me or if it’s even worth it. Because of my impulsiveness, I have often been disappointed and I really don’t want that to happen […]
Dining bucket list for 2014
Instead of posting a reminiscent blog about the year that just passed, I thought that I would post about what I want from the future. While it can be fun, nostalgic and even sometimes educational to revisit the past, I find that I spend far too much time considering what […]
Post-gym binge at Maurepas Foods
Other than swimming, exercise and I really don’t get along. My knees and lower back are a complete mess, making any strenuous activity an effort in sheer masochism. Like Buddha, I must embrace the pain simply to tolerate a walk to the bookstore around the corner. I do adore swimming, […]
But, we practiced!
A couple of months ago, John and I were invited to a Speakeasy Dinner at Arnaud’s. Neither of us were sure about going, I mean, would we have to learn a secret knock? Would we have to dress in 20’s attire? Do we have to stay “in-character,” like a prohibition-esque […]
House of the week: Double shotgun on Annunciation Street
Ever since I moved here, I’ve dreamed of living in and/or owning a double shotgun house. Why a double? I knew that it could be a good investment, the tenant would be paying the majority of my mortgage and well, they just look cool. Plus, I’ve seen owners remodel their […]