The first thought that poofed into my head upon hearing the name High Hat Cafe was “So, it’s snobbish Southern food?’ Was I being hastily judgemental? Did I “get out my conclusions mat” as my loving boyfriend loved to quote from that cult classic film, Office Space? Last week, my […]
A late Sunday lunch at Lebanon’s Cafe
You’d think that by now I would have hit almost every restaurant in my neighborhood, but there are, in fact, a few I have had yet to patronize for no other reason than I simply had not gotten around to it yet. Last Sunday, I was able to put another […]
Caffeine clip: Lilette
This delicious cup of rich coffee with an almond sugar cookie reminds me that I need another cup this sleepy Monday morning….and I also need to go back to Lilette and order at least three dishes of Alaskan king crab claws with passionfruit butter.
House of the week: Victorian side-hall on Carondolet
I’ve been feeling a little too extravagant with my house of the week posts lately, so I decided to dial it down a notch this week and look for something more in my price range and something miraculous happened. I fell in love… While ho-humming my way through some seriously […]
Spring cravings: Panchita’s
Perhaps it might seem odd, but when the weather starts getting warmer and daylight stretches into the evening, an itch comes over me that cries out for tangy guacamole scooped up by warm, crispy tortilla chips and an icy margarita made with fresh lime, the glass supporting a thick rim […]
House of the week: Palace on Third
From totally epic to just so-so, I’m pretty sure I could live in any of the dream houses I’ve posted so far. Then I saw this listing… Amidst an entire neighborhood of historic properties lies the Robinson House. It was built by Irish-born architect Henry Howard in the mid-19th century […]
The whole fam damly
Okay, it wasn’t the whole family, but it was a fairly decent slice of the Ranjbars (and Mangewalas) that came to visit me last week. For Ray Ranjbar (my dad), Rob Mangewala (my brother-in-law) and Arissa (my super-cool niece), it was the first trip ever to New Orleans. Nancy (my […]
Sweet Olive
Sometimes, you just can’t come up with a good introduction. No matter how hard you stare at the blinking cursor, your brain feels just about as empty as the pristine white screen in front of your face. Strange thoughts run through your mind occasionally like “Did I brush my teeth […]
Pigging out
Last week, I spent a ridiculous amount of time eating. A day and a half tasting dishes all over the city for the New Orleans Wine & Food Experience and a delicious media feast at Dijon Restaurant located in the old New Orleans firehouse on Annunciation were more than enough […]
Caffeine clip: Bayona
A perfect cappuccino with truffles and raw sugar at Bayona.
House of the week: Camelback cottage on Delachaise
Although I love looking at huge houses with 5+ bedrooms, gargantuan dining rooms and mammoth kitchens, in truth I really don’t need a whole lot of space. Naturally if I bought a house I would like at least one extra bedroom for guests, but otherwise I am perfectly happy with […]
Glorious gluttony ensues…
I am the luckiest girl in the world. Never in my wildest imaginings would I believe that I could not only score tickets to the 2012 New Orleans Wine & Food Experience, I got to be a judge. Oh yes…this simple glutton from the suburbs, this flyspeck on the global culinary […]