It’s a sweaty Saturday in New Orleans and from the air-conditioned safety of your couch, you hear the dreaded ice cream truck draw near . . . “Hello!” The kids magically appear before you, summoned from the depths of a video game stupor, begging for the cash to get a […]
Zhang Bistro Opens on Decatur
Over the past several years, the building on the corner of Gov. Nichols with its multi-paned windows and divey, diner-like vibe has gone through several incarnations, from the late night, pizza-slinging Angeli to hamburger joints Lee’s and Big Mouth. But now there’s something completely different. . . Just this past […]
Building Momentum: Emeril Lagasse
Even for someone like celebrity chef and restaurateur Emeril Lagasse, reopening for business both safely and successfully in the wake of the pandemic is almost like starting from scratch. Unless your existence has been limited to the underside of a rock for the past several decades, it’s likely you’re familiar […]
Just Grab a Spoon
Most everyone has childhood memories of going to the ice cream parlor on a bright summer Saturday, pressing your nose to the glass, waffling about which flavor you’ll choose, though you know you’ll eventually settle on a tried and true favorite. It’s hard to forget that singular moment when the […]
Everyone Wants a Piece of the Pie
In this brave new world of food where dishes that withstand the rigors of takeout and delivery rule, it’s really no surprise that so many local purveyors have jumped on the pizza bandwagon. Even pre-pandemic, pizza has always been the perfect, take-home or order in kind of item. Who remembers […]
Adventures in Eating
The alarm goes off and you roll out of bed. Maybe you have time to take the dog out for a walk or a half hour on the stationary bike, a quick shower and a cup of coffee before you slide in front of your computer for another day working […]
Ages ago, when my income was a tad more disposable, I had a bit of a thing for salt and pepper shakers. I admired many sets but bought only a select few, and after a while, I had a mini-collection, approximately ten sets, of which I was rather proud.
Celebrating 48 Years: Palm & Pine
Though some might believe it makes me a terrible food writer, I’m notoriously bad at patronizing pop-ups. I’ll mark them on my Google calendar, get all excited about trying new dishes from daring young chefs eking their way towards their own brick & mortar. Then almost inevitably, something will prevent […]
Bitch Sessions: Superior Seafood & Oyster Bar
When Superior Seafood & Oyster Bar opened about seven years ago in the old Copeland’s building, I was one of the first to check it out. I loved their Frozen Pomegranate Mojitos, BBQ shrimp, raw Gulf oysters, warm French bread and Shrimp Louie Salad. Over the years, I’ve dined there […]
Looking back on 2017
Since 2013, Eater New Orleans (or should I say editor/writer extraordinaire Gwendolyn Knapp) would hit me up for dining reflections of the past year and predictions for the next. This year, I was not asked and I have to confess, I was a little bummed. Perhaps it was because the […]
Always blown away at Boucherie
By now, I imagine I don’t have to tell anyone living within a 300 mile radius of New Orleans how good the eating is at Boucherie. Hell, I’m positive its reach is quite a bit further considering I no longer am surprised when out-of-towners seeking restaurant recommendations already have the […]
Mini-vacation at Angeline
Far too long ago, John and I ventured into the French Quarter to enjoy brunch at what has become one of the city’s most popular restaurants, Angeline. I don’t know about you, but whenever I go into the Quarter, especially on a sunshine-filled day, I like to pretend I’m on […]