Dani, John and I were starving by the time we walked into The Milk Bar’s brand new, second location on Carrollton Avenue, taking over the spot that used to be filled by the Saltwater Grill. We had all been running errands and simply had to eat something before we continued on […]
Pleasure without porn: Killer Poboys
Quite often, I find myself genuinely frustrated that I cannot offer choice food porn from wonderful restaurants due to bad lighting, a mediocre camera or simply a lack of photographic skill. This is one of those times. A little while back, John and I were in the French Quarter and […]
Sad at SoBou
When I was just a kid, I remember looking forward to getting this one particularly cool toy for Christmas. It was a doll house for these tiny, Strawberry Shortcake dolls in the shape of an Oreo Cookie. My dolls could sleep in the bedroom, hang out in the kitchen, plus […]
Feelin’ shiny at Gracious Bakery
Yes, I am a dork. I’m obsessed with things like WoW (World of Warcraft for all you n00bs), LOTR (don’t tell me you don’t know), and WoT (just click the link). My favorite movies include The Last Unicorn and Neverending Story and I’ve seen every episode of Star Trek: The Next […]
Smilin’ at Satsuma
Last week, my friend Dani and I were about to embark upon a day filled with running some necessary-but-evil errands, but I thought it would be good to start out on a high note with breakfast at Satsuma Cafe. Ever since the Bywater eatery opened its second location on Maple […]
Outdoor adventures at Katie’s Restaurant
When you work from home, it’s real easy to become something of a recluse. You wake up, scratch yourself, roll out of bed, grab some coffee as you stumble through the kitchen, and then plant your ever-widening backside at your desk. After that point you rarely rise from your chair, […]
Herbsaint: A blossoming birthday ritual
This past Saturday, the power was still out and John and I sat sweating, dreading another evening of darkness and sticky hands of Gin Rummy. I was irritable, stinky and facing a dinner of tuna-in-a-can when I suddenly realized I’d completely missed out on a birthday celebration. The week previous, […]
Welcomed home at Brigtsen’s
Less than a month ago, I got the opportunity to interview Chef Frank Brigtsen at his restaurant on Dante Street just a few blocks from my house. It was the first time I’d met the James Beard Award-winning chef, and to be perfectly honest, I was a bit nervous. Thankfully, […]
Belated tale from Tales
Due to throwing my back out and some feminine issues you definitely don’t want to hear about, I was not able to attend almost all of Tales of the Cocktail this year. Strangely enough, it was going to be my very first year because I finally scored the media credentials […]
Humble lunch at HuckleBerry’s Restaurant
More than Twain’s well-beloved urchin, whenever I think of the word “Huckleberry” I can’t help but be reminded of the movie Tombstone. Val Kilmer played the sexiest, gun-slinging “lunger” I’d ever seen and it’s hard to erase something like that from a young woman’s memory. All fantasies aside, I just […]
Hedging my bets at La Petite Grocery
I’ve whined about this before, but sometimes it’s a real pain in the ass taking a risk and trying a new restaurant. Sure, it could easily be fabulous and I could find a new favorite, but it could also just as easily be awful and sometimes, just once in a […]
Stayin’ dry at Juicy Lucy’s
Gimmicks don’t appeal to me at all…well…most of the time. I mean, we’ve all fallen for the con at least once in our lives. Hell, in my naivete I bought a set of tile cleaning products “as seen on TV” that claimed almost miraculous restoration to 50-year-old grout. The only […]