Pop-Up Appeal

Proof that paper plates and plastic cutlery can be counted as and integral part of a romantic night out! Thanks to aggressive marketing campaigns and endless propaganda, February is officially and commercially realized as the month of romance. Not only are we to single out the 14th as a day […]

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Falafel Fan

Crispy on the outside, soft and savory on the inside – served with a side of tahini or wrapped in pita to be devoured with bright, fresh veggies – falafel is one of those rare foods that are equally satisfying, healthful and indulgent all at the same time. It’s a […]

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Celebrate the Holidays at Couvant

Several years ago, French brasserie Couvant opened inside The Eliza Jane, a stunningly-renovated Hyatt property in the Central Business District. After surviving a two-year, pandemic-induced hiatus, the restaurant (and the hotel) swung back into business this spring with a new lead in the kitchen and inspired menus. After spending time […]

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One Heck of a Wingding!

Our weather has gotten cooler, the holidays are right around the corner, and footballs are soaring – all setting the tone for one hell of a party! Sure, we’re all scrambling to get ready to feast for Thanksgiving, singing Christmas celebrations, and ringing in the New Year (and Mardi Gras), […]

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