Boudin, Bourbon & Beer Goes Back-to-the-Table

In lieu of cancelling again this year due to the pandemic, the Emeril Lagasse Foundation has decided to forgo the traditional festival format and bring Boudin, Bourbon & Beer “Back-to-the-Table,” celebrating its cause and theme at individual restaurants around the city. “While our industry is still struggling, we are excited […]

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Bangin’ Breakfasts

It’s that time again, time for a listicle! Even though I generally hate them, every now and again I’ll get a hankering to write one of these “best of” lists. Why all the hate? Well, what is “the best,” really? It’s just an opinion, an opinion that changes quite frequently […]

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DS9 & Spam at Union Ramen

For almost a year now, Union Ramen has been open at the LGD end of Magazine Street, the brainchild of Nhat “Nate” Nguyen, the Vietnamese-born opening chef for Gert Town’s tiny, bright yellow ramen joint, Kin. That summer, it was all over the local news, hyped and hyped again, which […]

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Keto Cheesecake Ice Cream

Y’all wouldn’t believe how much heavy whipping cream I’ve wasted over the past couple of weeks. I’m feeling pretty guilty about it, but this is something I really needed to figure out. To me, ice cream is the best dessert that ever was. Feel free to argue with me, I […]

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Pizza Plate Lunch

Back in May, I wrote an article for my $20 & Under column in Where Y’at Magazine on pizza. It’s been a lot easier to get pizza by the slice and/or personal pies lately and I wanted to cover a bunch of newcomers, including NOLA Pizza Co., a pizzeria located […]

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