Example: New Orleans Soup Co.

On the whole, I tend to steer clear of writing product reviews. On occasion, there are local items that I just LOVE and have to shout about, things like Mississippi Debris from the New Orleans Ice Cream Co. (along with almost all their other flavors), Hubig’s Pies and CoolBrew to name […]

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Apolline: Food of the Gods

Okay, well maybe I am exaggerating somewhat, but they sure do offer a brunch deserving of a little exaltation. Craving breakfast, as we often do, John and I visited Apolline a few weeks ago for the very first time and while we didn’t start dancing naked in the street, wreathing […]

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Scarfing lunch at Wayfare

A few weeks ago, Anne and I were seeking a restaurant, both of us hungry enough to eat a bear. Instead, we opted to lunch at Wayfare. Stomachs rumbling, we headed over to the city’s most recent addition in sandwich shops on Freret Street. Standing at the counter, we drooled […]

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Indulgences at The American Sector

“…remember that what has once been done may be done again.” -Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte CristoChildish though it might be, my first exposure to anything New Orleans-esque was at Disneyland. Family road trips to Disneyland in Anaheim are steeped in the memory of my favorite “land” in the park, […]

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A bread lover’s dream: Tartine

While many profess a weakness for things like chocolates, salty potato chips and bacon, my greatest vulnerability would have to be bread. There just nothing like the flavor and texture of crusty baguettes or chewy ciabatta slathered in butter or layered with deli meat. When I lived in the Bay […]

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