Welcomed home at Brigtsen’s

Less than a month ago, I got the opportunity to interview Chef Frank Brigtsen at his restaurant on Dante Street just a few blocks from my house. It was the first time I’d met the James Beard Award-winning chef, and to be perfectly honest, I was a bit nervous. Thankfully, […]

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Stayin’ dry at Juicy Lucy’s

Gimmicks don’t appeal to me at all…well…most of the time. I mean, we’ve all fallen for the con at least once in our lives. Hell, in my naivete I bought a set of tile cleaning products “as seen on TV” that claimed almost miraculous restoration to 50-year-old grout. The only […]

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The littlest library

During the hottest part of the day, I found myself strolling carefully through my neighborhood on an errand that couldn’t wait. It seemed like I was the only person alive wandering about outside. Everything was very still, even the birds were too hot to sing, and the only sign of […]

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