A Coquette-ish Christmas

So it wasn’t actually Christmas, it was the eve before Christmas Eve…er…actually…it was the afternoon before Christmas Eve. It was the 23rd of December, okay? Anyhow, John and I decided we were way past due for a visit to the fairly-new restaurant, Coquette, on the corner of Washington and Magazine. […]

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Hissy fit at Crabby Jacks

Though I don’t regret the evening of debauchery at the Hookah Bar, I did miss out on the Po-Boy Fest which left me with a hankering…and not for a hunk ‘o’ cheese. Well, maybe a couple of slices of Swiss on a fried oyster and bacon? Yeah, I wanted a […]

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Craving Cowbell

Call it an urge, itch, ache or yen, but I had a serious craving for Cowbell. As any woman can tell you, it’s best not to ignore these inner lusts too often or chaos will likely ensue and cause unnecessary events like incurable bouts of crying, flying breakables or the […]

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Café Degas left an impression

In case you weren’t aware, there is a gorgeous, yet quaint B&B on Esplanade Avenue called the Degas House. Apparently, back in 1872, the famous Impressionist painter Edgar Degas spent almost half a year in this very house visiting his American side of the family. Just a few blocks away […]

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An afternoon tryst at Lüke

I met someone and I think I’m in love. He’s sweet, accommodating, relaxed yet stylish and extremely tasty as I was fortunate enough to discover last Friday afternoon. My friend Anne was there, too and we both enjoyed what he had to offer . . . I’m pretty sure anyone […]

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