Baton Rouge-based Community Coffee just released a new flavor in time for St. Patrick’s Day, Irish Creme. Thanks to my food-writing, fringe benefits, they offered to send me an 11 oz. bag of their St. Paddy’s Day flavor gratis. My coffee package arrived just the other day and to my surprise, I was gifted not one, but four different flavors — Irish Creme, Strawberries & Chocolate, Dark & Bold, and Mardi Gras King Cake! I wonder, is it bad luck to have king cake coffee after Mardi Gras? Maybe it’s best to move right into St. Patrick’s Day . . .
This morning, I put a few scoops into my French press and brewed up a couple of cups of Community Coffee’s Irish Creme. By itself, the flavor was light and surprisingly creamy, but after I added a spoonful of sugar and a splash of cream, it became dessert, a great after-dinner brew. I can’t wait to try the other flavors!
I was checking out Community’s website and another flavor caught my eye, the Vanilla Waffle Cone! Think they might send me that one, too? If not, I’ll just have to go buy it myself! Good thing Community is tasty and affordable. FYI – Irish Creme is a limited flavor, so grab it now while it lasts!