Sweet Springtime

With Easter just around the corner, I can’t help but think of sweets. I don’t know about you, but when I was little my bright yellow basket (which is still sitting in my Mom’s closet) was overflowing with jelly bean-filled plastic eggs, fluffy yellow Peeps, malted milk chocolate Easter eggs […]

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Oh omelet! Or omelette?

No matter how you spell it, an omelet is indubitably an eggs-cellent creation. Aside from my mom’s less-than-beautiful but always delicious jack cheese and tomato versions, I’ll never forget my first restaurant omelet. It was from a hot, new breakfast spot in downtown San Mateo that was soon known for […]

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Who gives a fork?

I suppose you could say John does … I’m going to let you in on a little secret. You know all of these fabulous amateur food pictures I post? Well, my endlessly talented and artistic boyfriend is responsible for approximately half of them. When we go out to eat and […]

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Bitch Sessions: Oxlot 9

Quite often, I can be almost too optimistic when it comes to dining experiences. I wave off inconveniences that would definitely have other diners reducing tips, taking their problems to the manager or worse, giving an ugly review on Yelp. But for me, if the food was incredible, I could […]

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Beloved Bivalve

Though most will be planning a special outing with their significant others this Valentines Day, I’ll be bucking the trend with a day-long ode to oysters. You may be telling yourself “She’s probably single or maybe just doesn’t play into that annual greeting card holiday,” but nothing could be further […]

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Burger Resolve

There’s a commercial that airs quite often on local radio where a couple of guys are talking about where they want to go for lunch and one of them, in a thick New Orleans accent, says “I want a big, juicy mouth-watering burgah and I want it now!” Though he […]

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