No bobbing required

Hands clenching the sides of the barrel, your head plunges into the icy water and while holding your breath, you try to get a grip on the apple bobbing before your lips. Your teeth slide across the slick surface denying purchase while water makes it’s way up your nose and […]

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Welcomed home at Brigtsen’s

Less than a month ago, I got the opportunity to interview Chef Frank Brigtsen at his restaurant on Dante Street just a few blocks from my house. It was the first time I’d met the James Beard Award-winning chef, and to be perfectly honest, I was a bit nervous. Thankfully, […]

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Belated tale from Tales

Due to throwing my back out and some feminine issues you definitely don’t want to hear about, I was not able to attend almost all of Tales of the Cocktail this year.  Strangely enough, it was going to be my very first year because I finally scored the media credentials […]

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The Plate Lunch

If the title didn’t make it obvious, the whole purpose of this monthly column is finding scrumptious dishes of all shapes, sizes and flavors that won’t break the bank, ultimately less than $15. We all love it, but dining out is indeed a luxury, an unneeded expense, especially amidst this […]

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