Return to The Green Goddess

Ever since Casey and I lunched at The Green Goddess back in the beginning of August, John has had to endure endless descriptions of our oh-so stellar meal, time and time again. It got to the point where I began to feel truly guilty that I had experienced the Goddess […]

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Sushi and a movie: Kyoto 2

Ever since its release in November, I’ve been dying to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I. Unfortunately, there was always something holding me back…if it wasn’t one thing, it was something else. At long last, John and I planned to see Harry Potter at the Elmwood Theater […]

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I don’t speak Cajun!

Recently, I sent some gifts with a distinctly local flair to my 5-year-old niece and laughed uproariously when my brother-in-law called back screaming “How am I supposed to read this to her? I don’t speak Cajun!” I’m sure he’ll figure it out. If not, I’m positive my incredibly intelligent niece […]

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I need more Cowbell!

No, I’m not talking about Blue Oyster Cult, Christopher Walken or Saturday Night Live…I’m talking about Cowbell, the newest restaurant to hit the ever-growing dining community on Oak Street. Yesterday, John and I joined our friend Lorin and her son Remy for lunch at Chef Brack May’s latest creation in […]

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