Mid-Summer Meatball Madness

Like indulging in ice cream during the coldest winter months, it’s not unusual to crave something heavy, rich and meaty in the depths of summer…even New Orleans’ summers. If you want something totally satisfying, something to grin around while the sweat drips into your eyes, I can’t think of anything […]

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A veritable feast! NOWFE Grand Tastings

Thanks our friend (and sometimes employer) Kendall, John and I were able to attend this year’s Grand Tasting event at the New Orleans Wine & Food Experience. We left the house early on Friday, both hungry and anxious to get to the Morial Convention Center downtown. Believe it or not, […]

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It’s going to be grand…

Last year around this time, I whined to all of you about how I wouldn’t be able to attend the magnificent Grand Tasting at the New Orleans Wine & Food Experience. Well, it seems my prayers have been answered because this year, this week in fact. John and I will […]

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Why my friends are cooler than yours…

Back in November of last year, my friend Casey (being the football fan that she is) entered a contest for tickets to the Tostitos BCS Fiesta Bowl game and won. She and her boyfriend Brandon got an all-expense paid trip to Glendale, Arizona and watched as the Auburn Tigers beat […]

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Applauding a Mano

A long time ago in a land way out West, a friend of mine took me to a “hole-in-the-wall” Italian restaurant dubbed “John’s” where I was served, quite possibly, the best Linguine & Clams I have ever eaten. I distinctly recall devouring a gargantuan pile of hand-made linguine lovingly enveloped […]

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Simply Chips

Though they are likely the most oft-consumed snack, it seems to me that potato chips fall under the “most taken for granted” snack food category. It’s not that people don’t love them to the point of addiction, they just expect them to be there — accompanying their daily lunch time […]

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