Delicious comfort at Café Freret

As a fat girl, I have a tendency to seek clothing and environments that make me comfortable. Although dining at a fine restaurant is always a flavor-rich thrill and pleasure beyond measurement, most of the time I enjoy eateries that are low-key with an easy-going staff and modest menu. Considering […]

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Silly sculpture in Lafayette Square

John and I were strolling through Lafayette Square today and noticed that scattered among the other historical, more formal pieces in the park, lingered sculpture that didn’t seem to belong. For example, did this artist watch the movie Donnie Darko too many times or what? I mean with the “bunny” and […]

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Crescent City Samaritan

Politeness and hospitality are common characteristics I’ve encountered since my life in the South began, but it seems I find very few Samaritans who go out of their way to help the average Joe (or Josephine) on the street. The story I heard yesterday from one of my close friends […]

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It’s not a house this time!

I’ve posted a few images of abandoned homes and I thought I might change it up a bit. So here’s something a little different: Yep…it’s a blighted car! Okay, so that’s not so different. But don’t you just love the way the vines are growing around the tires? On the […]

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A New Orleans wedding

A couple of days ago, I had the honor of being invited to my first ever wedding since moving here more than seven years ago. The young couple had been planning and saving for this occasion and after two years, the fateful evening had finally arrived. Now, what struck me […]

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Halloween envy: Double feature picture show

Happy Halloween everyone! Looking over the past week’s posts, I am noticing a trend in my taste in houses…not that you couldn’t throw a rock and hit a gorgeous structure almost anywhere in this town. But still, even John started to tease about my “so-called” elitist view. Ultimately, the question […]

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